2 Guys Start An ‘Uptown Funk’ Flash Mob And Soon, Many More Join In

Do you remember back to when flash mobs were fairly new? It was always interesting to watch the videos online because nobody expected anything to happen out of the blue that day. What was interesting is the fact that it would start out with one person dancing, singing, or perhaps playing an instrument, and before long, there would be dozens or sometimes, even hundreds of others who would join in. Everything was orchestrated perfectly and it was designed to really put a smile on people’s faces. Flash mobs are now a lot more common than they were before, but there is one thing that they do have in common with those old routines, they are still awesome!

Although we could really have a flash mob that would go along with any song, perhaps the one that is used more often than others is ‘Uptown Funk’. That song just seems to have the style that is needed to really bring out the best in anyone who is planning on dancing in public. At times, they may even be spontaneous but there is nothing like one that is choreographed in order to make the entire event amazing. That is what happened in this video, which was uploaded and has millions of views. It started out with one breakdancer but by the time it was over, there were dozens of people who were dancing in unison.

Although some dance mobs are designed and performed by people who just want to put a smile on someone’s face, that isn’t always the case. This is a good example, because it was uploaded by a company called “Crazy Domains”, and it really helped to gain a lot of attention for them. As it turns out, it was corporately designed and done, but it really doesn’t matter because the end result is the same.

I’m sure that they had everything lined up so that it was captured perfectly on video that day. It’s wonderful for us, however, because we get to see some of the greatest breakdancing and flash mob dancing that could go into any one of these events. It is sure to be one that is remembered for its style and the fact that it brought smiles to the faces of millions of people. You can see it for yourself below: