
He Sees A Foal Stuck On the Highway And Runs In To Help But Wait Till You See How Mom Reacts

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a hero? Many of us might think back to the last time we were at the movies, watching a number of heroes flying around the city on the silver screen. The fact the matter is, there are heroes all around us and they don’t always wear a cape or do anything supernatural. Sometimes, they are everyday people that just step up to the plate when the opportunity comes their way.

A true hero is found in the story that we see in this video. He was driving on the road and he stopped along the highway because there was a foal running out in the middle of the road. It was obvious that this young horse was in distress and was not quite sure what to do. The problem is, his mother was on the other side of the guardrail and she wasn’t in a position to come over and help as well.

When they see the young horse in the middle of the road, this soon to be hero immediately stops and looks at the situation. Even from the very start he was protecting the foal from traffic but as the situation wore on, he decided to pick up the foal and gently place it on the other side of the guardrail. Finally, the mother and baby were reunited.

It’s amazing when people do something that is outside of their comfort zone and in the process, they save someone who was unable to save themselves. You can see everything in this video: