
A Truck Stop Patron Gets Bullied By 3 Dangerous Looking Bikers Before Getting His Revenge

There are some types of people who fall into a stereotype that may not be the best. This is the case with certain groups of people who tend to be rather rough around the edges, although we recognize that stereotypes are not always true. One of those groups of individuals are bikers, and when they are in a biker gang, they can certainly be a rough crowd. In the joke that you see below, they lived up to their reputation by picking on a man who was sitting at a truck stop. In the end, it didn’t turn out well for them.

A man was eating in a truck stop minding his own business when three dangerous-looking bikers walked in.

The first walked up to the old man, pushed his cigarette into the old man’s pie and then took a seat at the counter.

The second walked up to the old man, spit into the old man’s coffee and then he took a seat at the counter.

The third walked up to the old man, turned over the old man’s plate, and then he took a seat at the counter.

Without a word of protest, the old man quietly left the diner.

One of the bikers said to the waitress, Humph, not much of a man, was he?

The waitress replied, Not much of a truck driver either. He just backed his truck over three motorcycles.