
Couple Wants To Protect Child From Bias So They Hide The Child’s Gender For 17 Months

If there is one thing that we recognize about the world around us, is the fact that everybody has a cause. Some people are willing to do whatever it takes to argue their point and if you don’t agree with them, they are just going to argue louder. Of course, there are some issues that are really not worth arguing over and others that seem to push all the right buttons. In these days, one of the issues that many people tend to follow is gender. Perhaps that is why it should not be a surprise that a couple in Bath, England, are keeping the sex of their child secret to avoid any gender biases. In fact, the parents, Jake England-Johns and Hobbit Humphrey have a 17-month-old child and they haven’t told anybody the gender yet!

When the baby was born, they informed their friends and family that they should refer to the child as either ‘they’ or ‘them’. The child was named Charlie and when they dressed Charlie to go out, they are always wearing gender-neutral colors. Jake spoke with a BBC program called ‘inside out’ and expressed how he and his wife are only interested in their child being a unique individual. There have been a lot of questions that have come their way by they just let people know that they aren’t interested in anybody knowing the sex of the child as of yet. They want Charlie to be whoever they want to be and they are convinced that the child will choose his or her own gender when it is appropriate.

There is one other person that knows the gender of the child, and that is a grandparent who changed one of Charlie’s diapers. Aside from the three of them, it has been kept top-secret. They feel that there is a lot of gender bias in the world and much of it takes place on an unconscious level. They want to give the baby his or her own ‘bubble’ so they can enjoy their true identity for as long as possible.

They also want to keep people from saying that one color is for boys and another is for girls. They don’t feel that Charlie should be kept from playing with anything, regardless of the gender it was designed for. They just want their child to grow up as they are. You can see more in this video: