
Kevin Costner Is Done Being Lonely And Now Has The Wife Of His Dreams

Kevin Costner is a rather well-known actor but he is also a family man that is doing quite well in his relationship with his wife and his children.

This isn’t something that came all at once. He did realize that he had a love of acting and was good at it when he tried it in college but he also wanted to try a career in finance. In the end, he became an actor and very well known.

Eventually, he met Cindy Silva, and the two of them were married in 1978. They have three children with each other and according to Costner, being a father is the most important thing in his life. That being said, it wasn’t always that way.

The married couple were together for 16 years and Costner ended up in the movie The Big Chill with a number of big actors. It was his breakthrough but it ended up being a movie that never happened for him. It didn’t stop him in his acting career, however, and he ended up being in a lot of other movies, including Dances with Wolves and Field of Dreams.

In 1992, he worked in a movie as a bodyguard for Whitney Houston. That was another one of the movies that really made him the actor that he is today.

Costner ended up dating after his divorce and this time, it was with Bridget Rudy. She even called him Mr. perfect but they didn’t stay together very long. Bridget had a breakdown after they split up and he moved on to Ellie McPherson.

After McPherson, he spent a long time by himself and eventually, found his current wife, Christine Baumgartner. They dated for a while but eventually split up because Coster didn’t want any more children. She said she would wait for him but not for long and she was waiting for him to ‘come to his senses.’ Eventually, he did and the rest is history.