Airport Security Stops Couple After Finding A Cat In Their Luggage

Recently, a couple was traveling to New York City when they were stopped by airport security. They were told that a cat had somehow climbed into the luggage they were carrying onto the plane. Candy, the cat, shocked her owners, Nick and Voirrey Coole, when she jumped out of their suitcase. The couple was on their way to New York to celebrate their 40th birthdays together. The couple was taken to a side room by security and asked about what TSA found. The airport staff then worked to reunite them with their cat.

Nick, who’s originally from the Isle of Man, told Manchester Evening News that Candy has always been very curious and is always looking to hide inside of tight spaces, such as boxes and bags. He explained: “Our hand luggage didn’t have much in so we could bring shopping home. But Candy, our cat, found a way in and off to the airport we all went.”

“Airport security were all very puzzled and repeatedly asked if the bag was ours after it had been through the scanner.”

Nick decided to post about their experience on Facebook: “You know that feeling when you get ushered into a side room at airport security because you’ve got a cat in your hand luggage?”

He continued: “Candy decided to sneak into our handbag, thanks Barry and Lorna for picking her up so we can head off on our holiday. Fair play to airport security for helping to get her home so we could catch our flight.”

According to the couple, the airport staff eventually realized that it was a mistake and everyone enjoyed a good laugh. The airport staff, which Nick describes as “awesome,” helped ensure that Candy was picked up by friends so both Nick and Voirrey could continue their flight to the United States.

Since Nick first posted the story, it has had over 1,000 shares and 3,000 reactions.

One person wrote:

 “The cat looks so determined to crash the vacay, tho.” Another compared Candy to their own cat, saying: “Thyme gets in every time [we] pack to go somewhere and this is a legitimate fear of mine.”

A third commented: “To be honest, I surprised this hasn’t happened to me yet.”

Better luck next time, Candy.

Please share this story with your friends and family.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site