People Love The New ‘Introverted Customers’ Shopping Baskets At Sephora’s

If you are someone that enjoys getting out and going shopping, you probably know that every store has its own personality. Some of those stores are relatively quiet, and you aren’t going to be approached by anyone who works for the store for any reason. Some of those stores are even frustrating because you can’t find someone to assist you, even if you needed some desperate help. On the other end of the spectrum is a type of store that seems to invade your personal space, the moment you walk through the door.

Behind the different personalities of those stores are often policies that dictate how the workers are going to interact with the customers. It may seem frustrating but when it is a matter of keeping their job and perhaps even earning a paycheck, you are going to be approached as soon as you walk through the doors. That is changing in one European store, Sephora. The store has done something that has gone viral, thanks to some understanding on their part and the action they took.

If you want some assistance, grab the red basket when you come in the store. If you want to shop on your own, grab a black basket.

This is making it easy for people who have anxiety or just don’t want to have any interaction with others to get their shopping done.

Lush is getting a lot of comments asking for the same thing in their stores.

It seems that enough people are having this problem and it is keeping them from shopping. Some people were wondering what happened if they changed their mind and wanted help.

Others thought the store would lose money.

Some thought it would help them make more money.

Apparently, some Korean stores are doing the same thing

Most of all, people around the world are wishing that Sephora would bring this to their town.

Source: Percolately