Bruno Mars Shocks Us All With His Cover Of Adele’s ‘All I Ask’

When a singer becomes extremely popular, it seems as if everybody knows their music. You can sing along with the music on the radio and often, you even know the words if you don’t necessarily appreciate the singer and their abilities. That is the case with Adele and I’m sure that you know quite a few of her songs. Even if you aren’t a huge fan, you have to admit that she has a level of talent that is above what many people could ever hope to have. She has had one of the most popular songs of our time and she is instantly recognizable, regardless of whether you see her or hear her.

One of the interesting things that happen when a singer becomes popular is that people start to sing their songs. We see this happening online frequently, with some celebrities performing their songs and many amateurs performing them as well. Some people really do a fantastic job, although it would be difficult to ever touch one of her songs in the same way that she did. There are also times when you might just get a surprise, and that is what you are sure to have when you watch this concert from Bruno Mars. In fact, it is perhaps one of the most unexpected events in recent times within the music industry.

Bruno Mars is not afraid to sing his own music and his energy level is off the charts when he is doing the concert. When he was performing live in the Live Lounge for BBC Radio 1, he toned things down a little bit by covering one of Adele’s songs, “All I Ask”.

More than likely, you know Bruno Mars because of some of his more energetic songs and videos. Watching him perform this song by Adele, however, gives us an even greater respect for his abilities. Watch it for yourself below and you will see.