Jimmy Fallon Plays Yet Another Hilarious Round Of Hashtags With #MyWeirdRoommate

There is something interesting that has taken place in recent years and I think that it is even getting more interesting as the years go by. It’s happened as a result of technology and as technology advances, it continually changes. Think back just a few decades ago to the time when we would call each other on a landline telephone and if nobody picked up, you would simply have to call back later. Today, we communicate at the speed of light and it seems as if we are constantly connected. We even look for new and interesting ways to communicate with each other, such as text messaging and through social media.

One of the interesting things that came out of this change was that we would often shorten what we had to say. We used ‘economy of words’ and even when we only had a few words to say, we would shorten them so that we wouldn’t have to type quite so many letters. It almost led to a language of its own, and one of the additions was the hashtag. We would use hashtags to describe almost anything and sometimes, we would use them to take part in some type of viral campaign. That is what happens on the Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon. He does those hashtags, including the one that he discusses below, #myweirdroommate.

This went live on twitter and people would use the hashtag in order to mark the post showing that they were talking about a strange behavior of their roommate. Jimmy Fallon and the rest of the Tonight Show team would then look down through the hashtags and see which ones were the funniest so they can share them on the show.

If you’ve ever had a roommate, you realize that we all have our little quirks. I’m sure that we would also fit into the category for at least something strange that we did. For now, however, it’s great to look back on this video and have a good laugh.