One of the things that have captured my attention in the last few years is how to get the most out of your brain by giving it exercises and activities that are designed to increase your effectiveness. The good thing is that these types of activities aren’t just fun. They can actually help you retain better memory and cognitive ability long-term. For example, there are four main areas of your brain and different activities can stimulate the various areas of the brain. Learning to play a musical instrument works well to help strengthen one area while working crossword puzzles will help with other areas.
One area that I’m interested in is the occipital lobe area of the brain. The occipital lobes are basically the “brain’s eye.” If you can read the words on this page, your occipital lobes are in good working order. In the image below, there are four differences between the two ladies. Test your occipital lobe by seeing if you can spot all four differences.

I work on a lot of puzzles like this and I have to confess, this is one of the more difficult ones. Head over to the next page where I will share the solution with you.
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