When it comes to puzzles, I think all of us have at least one type that we enjoy doing. Some people may like sitting at a table and grinding it out with a jigsaw puzzle for hours or days. Other people may want to jump from one puzzle to another, so they prefer doing something like sudoku or perhaps an Internet quiz. There is another type of puzzle, however, that most people find interesting and some people find very enjoyable. I’m talking about a puzzle that allows you to look at two different pictures that are almost identical but have some small differences between them.
That is exactly the type of puzzle we have for you here. As you look at the picture of Popeye and olive oil, you will notice that there are two side-by-side. Although they may look identical when you first glance at them, there are actually five differences between the two pictures that you must find. It’s up to you to locate those differences and if you can find all five, you will have some bragging rights. Then again, most people who try to find the five differences will fail and if you fall into that category, you can always look at the next page for the solution.
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