In August, a heartless dog owner decided to murder his pet in a cruel and sadistic fashion. Instead of taking his pet to a shelter or trying to find him a new home, the Revere, Massachusetts resident instead tried to kill a pit bull mix he named “Killer.” The man took his dog out to a local beach, then tied him up in an area he knew would become submerged once the high tide came in. After binding the animal, the man simply walked away as his helpless dog looked on in bewilderment and fear.
Fortunately, on August 29, local police received a call from a concerned citizen around noon regarding a dog tied up on the beach. Massachusetts State Police Officer Carlo Mastromattei was the first to arrive at the scene in response to the 911 call.
What the officer found broke his heart.
A terrified pup was tied to an exposed piece of rebar, yards away from the rising tide.
Massachusetts State Police later posted a message on Facebook describing what the officer found.
The poor pup was soon transported to a local kennel, and the next day, Mastromattei returned to the beach along with State Trooper Pasquale Zollo to conduct an investigation.
The officers managed to find four surveillance videos showing the area where the pup was found. Every video captured the dog’s owner leading the pup to the beach and chaining him to the rebar.
The following Friday, police arrested 27-year-old Elias Pachenco-Osario, who went on to confess to abandoning his pet on the beach because “he had decided he could not keep the dog any longer.”
According to the Facebook post, the owner “was taken into custody by Troopers on Friday following a diligent investigation led by Trooper Carlo Mastromattei and assisted by several other Troopers and Revere Police Officers.”
Pacheco-Osario was able to post his $340 bail, but he will have to answer animal cruelty charges before a judge in a court of law.
No matter what fate befalls this cruel man, we know that Killer will definitely be in better hands, and it’s our heartfelt wish that he finds a new home with someone who will give him all the love and care he rightfully deserves.
You can also watch a video about this story below.