‘My 600lb Life’ Woman Drops 267 Pounds And Is Stunning

Have you ever watched the show on TLC, ‘My 600lb Life?’ It really shows us the problem of obesity in a rather unique way because the individuals are extremely obese.

One of the individuals in the show was a 24-year-old woman named Amber Rachdi. She loved food but ended up gaining so much weight that she had infections between the folds of her fat. She had to have a scooter to leave the house.

Amber was in a downward spiral and when she was on the show, she was eating up to five large portions of food every day including snacks and desserts. She decided to take control of her eating and had gastric bypass surgery.

A specialist was also called in but he would not give her any assistance unless she lost the first 22 pounds on her own. She only lost 17, but he decided to help her anyway. With his assistance, she lost 92 pounds.

In order to continue with the diet program, the family moved from Oregon to Houston, Texas. All in all, she lost 189 pounds. That is when she met with the doctor again and now she weighed 253 pounds.

As a result of the weight loss, she had some extra skin and the doctor agreed that he would remove it with a surgical procedure. By the time the show was over, Amber had made a transformation into an individual that very few people would recognize.

We all know that these individuals are living a very difficult life that it is one thing to be on camera but quite another to live after the cameras have been turned off. Amber is an inspiration.

She continues to work out and follow a healthy eating schedule. She is dedicated to losing more weight and it’s amazing to hear about her lifestyle and the experiences she has now that some of the weight is gone.

You can watch more about Amber in the following video: