10 Things You Never Knew About Going To The Movies

One of the things that people have enjoyed doing for years is going to the movies. Although the scene may have changed somewhat due to the pandemic, the fact that people still enjoy going to the movies has not changed.

There’s just something about seeing things on the big screen that really makes them more enjoyable. Of course, we love seeing them on Netflix at home, but there is nothing quite like the real experience.

Although we may have been going to movies for years, there are likely certain things about going to the theater that we don’t know. In fact, many of these are secrets that have been hiding right in front of your face.

Here are 10 secrets you may not have known before.

1. They trap you with popcorn – There is something about the smell of popcorn that just makes us want to run up and grab a box for ourselves. That is exactly what they want us to do.

The smell of popcorn is something that really drives a lot of the economy at movie theaters, so they do what they can to make sure that you want a serving or two for yourselves. Unfortunately, this can include adding synthetic items to the popcorn to make it smell better.

2. The Best Seats in the House – IF you want the best seat in the house, sit close to the center about two-thirds of the way back from the front. This will give you the best as far as the view and the sound are concerned because the engineers sit in that area to fine tune the theater.

3. Snacks cost too much – This one may not be something that comes as a surprise you, but the snacks are overpriced. They get you in another way by keeping you from bringing food from the outside. They know you want to snack while you’re watching a movie, so they get you coming and going.

4. The popcorn isn’t fresh – You may see popcorn being scooped up warm in front of your eyes but that doesn’t mean it is fresh. More than likely, there are plenty of stale kernels with the fresh ones.

Popcorn doesn’t last very long at the theater but they always have some being made. Unfortunately, what is on the bottom of the bin can get old rather quickly and often, they just reheat yesterday’s popcorn and start selling to get in the morning.

5. Cleanliness – even though they may go through and clean things after every movie, there is a lot of dirtiness to the movies. People often spill their food and drinks and they don’t consider the people coming in while they are caring for themselves. If you want to go to a clean theater, try going to the first showing of the day.

6. It’s bad for your ears – The volume inside of the theater is one that can hurt your ears over time. Although there are standards they have to follow, they usually don’t follow them when it comes to explosions, screams, and gunshots.

7. It’s all about timing – If you are ever late for a movie, you already realize that you’re never really late. They do this on purpose by getting you there early so they can show you some commercials before the show begins. They also want you there early enough to get your popcorn and spend plenty of money.

8. Don’t Go for the Combo – Sometimes you may think that you are getting a deal by going with a combo meal. In the end, you’re probably paying more. A combo meal is also likely to not have everything that you would order if you ordered it one by one.

9. People get passionate – There are occasions, typically about once every week in which employees have to remove somebody that gets a little too close to their significant other in the theater. Theaters have cameras that monitor for this and if people get too cozy, they are given a warning or tossed out at that point.

10. Hide your food – The theater staff is well aware of the fact that people bring food into the theater. Most times, they will just ignore it but if you take things too far, it is likely that they are going to stop you and embarrass you by making you throw it out.