Dog Won’t Stay Off The Roof So A Sign Was Posted To Explain Why

We often hear the phrase ‘man’s best friend’ when people are talking about dogs but for some of us, we get to experience it on a daily basis. Dogs just have a way of enhancing our lives and our family by providing us with unconditional love and companionship. Then again, we try to make it as reciprocal as possible but we realize that we will never be able to give as much to our dogs as they give to us.

Something else that is interesting about dogs is the fact that they each have their own personality. Some of them are going to be happy-go-lucky and others might be entertaining but there are also some dogs who may be a little sullen. Regardless of their personality, however, it is fantastic to have them around. Sometimes the personality of a dog is going to shine through brightly, and that is the case with the pup in the story. He was always grabbing the attention of the neighbors but rather than being annoyed, they were concerned about what they saw. After all, he was always being spotted on the roof!

This five-year-old Golden retriever is named Huckleberry and he loves hanging out on the rooftop. Anytime he has the opportunity, he will climb up on the roof and sit there, watching the world go by. It has really attracted the attention of many people who happen to look over and see him staring down at them.

Since Huckleberry is hanging out on the roof regularly, the family gets constant visits from neighbors or anybody who just happens to pass by. They are concerned about the safety of Huckleberry, so they walk up and knock on the door. I’m sure that most of us would probably do the same if we saw a dog sitting on a roof!

In order to reduce the anxiety of anyone who saw their dog on the roof and to reduce the number of people knocking on the door, they decided to hang a sign.

The sign starts with the words: ‘Don’t Be Alarmed!!!’

“Huckleberry is living up to his name and learned how to jump onto our roof from the backyard. We never leave him in the backyard without someone being at home. He will not jump off unless you entice him with food or a ball!

We appreciate your concern but please do not knock on our door… we know he’s up there! But please feel free to take pictures of him and share with the world! #hucktheroofdog”

Huckleberry climbs up on the roof almost every day because it is just a way of life for him. His family calls it his “roof time.”

Now that I’ve seen Huckleberry, I’ve seen everything!