The Answer Seems Obvious But 97% Of All People Get It Wrong

Our eyes are truly amazing and they don’t always get the recognition that they deserve. Light bounces off of objects and enters into the eye, where it is sent along the optic nerve to the brain and interpreted as what we see. This includes shapes and colors, which give us the opportunity to decipher everything that is in front of us. It also provides some very unique characteristics of how our eyes and our brains work together, such as face recognition. When we see colors, we are often able to determine even the most subtle differences and we can do the same with patterns.

A major part of our vision is the ability to see patterns, color, and contrast. It really helps to make the world an interesting place because, without it, everything would simply blend into one blob. Being able to build up this skill and improve our ability to see those differences can really make a difference in your life but most people don’t take the time to do it.

If you are ready to put your eyes and your brain to the test, this simple little quiz will do it in an amazing way. It allows you to see how good you are at perceiving colors by looking at a variety of colorful pictures with various patterns. The quiz itself is rather simple. You only need to choose the color that you think takes up a certain amount or percentage of the image. It may sound easy but according to some statistics, 97% of those who take the test cannot see every color in the patterns.

How will you do? Time to find out.