19 Anti-Kids Jokes That Even The Most Loving Parents Will Find Funny

It doesn’t matter who we are or what our station is in life, there is something that all of us have in common. It’s the fact that at one time, we were all children. We grew up in our own special circumstances, good or bad and we ended up turning out to be adults for better or for worse.

I’ll be the first one to admit, not all of us were the best kids when we were younger. I can only imagine the number of times that adults looked in my direction and were shaken when they saw how I was acting. I may have even been the source of some of this avoidance, and people who saw me might not have children down to this day.

The fact that we all were children at some point in our life may make it rather surprising that some people just don’t care for children all that much. They tend to avoid children, regardless of whether it is not having children of their own or simply trying to stay as far away as they can from children in general. If you happen to fall in that category or if you’re sympathetic to the category, you will appreciate these hilarious memes.

1. Ok then

At least you’re honest about it.

2. Ouch

Tell us how you really feel.

3. Maybe you shouldn’t

It’s a short list.

4. Too late

You should have waited to break the news

5. I couldn’t agree more

I see your point.

6. Kids just don’t get it

I’ve done my fair share of screaming

7. Cats vs Kids

Kids just aren’t fluffy enough.

8. Just drink

Yeah, call them bro and you get away with anything

9. Why, just why?

At least you make it look like you’re interested, NOT!

10. I’ll be right there

This is a place I want to shop

11. You don’t want much

Perhaps you should open your own shop

12. Acceptance

At least you have come to tearms with it.

13. Change is good

That is a rather funny thing to say

14. Cast your vote

I don’t want any pets

15. Keep out

I would imagine they didn’t stock up on candy

16. Summer is a bad time of year

Do kids sting?

17. How true

This is a true statement if I’ve ever heard one

18. Check and check

It’s a nice reminder

19. I’ve seen it in action