There are so many animal species on the verge of extinction. For so many years, more and more animals die because of illegal hunters, and some are being forced from their natural habitat. But there is one thing that’s becoming a more common sight anywhere you are in the world that’s helping animals overcome human-made obstructions. When animals are on the freeway, there is a very high likelihood that they could be killed if they try to cross the road. Though some folks are kind enough to let animals cross, there are others who could not care less about harming these frightened and curious creatures.
This is cruel because these animals just want to roam around their lands, just like any living creature should have the right to do. However, human-built roads and tourist destination near or within the home of these animals threaten their lives. There is a lack of safety that we need to all be aware of. These animals are putting their lives at risk. In fact, in the US alone, animal/vehicle collisions cost around $8 billion every year. Some folks feel that the solution is putting up more “animal crossing signs and hoping that drivers would show more care. But some just ignore these signs. But thanks to the brilliant solution of animal bridges being implemented worldwide, more animals are being saved.
Animal bridges are overpasses that were specifically designed to be a part of a freeway. And with their introduction to freeways around the globe, more and more animals are seen using these safe crossings to cross the road. Not only are they perfect for keeping animals safe, but they also look amazing. You might not be able to appreciate their beauty while going under these bridges fully, but if you’re in the air, you will definitely be in awe of these majestic engineering marvels.
These bridges may be new for some countries, but they have been in practice in several nations for quite some time now. In fact, they date back all the way to the 50s, and France constructed the very first animal bridge. Since that time, Europe has become the leader in animal bridge installation.
Holland now has a total of 66 animal passages. It is a small country, but their efforts to save animals is rather impressive! Among these passages is the world’s longest animal bridge, the Natuurburg Zanderij Crailoo, which stretches across half a mile of railways, rivers, and buildings.
Now, this makes us wonder if North America’s doing its part. Well, the answer is yes. Canada and the United States have built animal bridges over the last 30 years. One of the most impressive in America is in Washington, the Nutty Narrows Bridge. Unlike other animal bridges, this one is made of rope, and it allows squirrels to cross too!
And in Canada, there’s the Banff National Park, which hosts 44 individual wildlife crossing structures throughout. These structures assist 11 large mammal species in crossing freeways and roads unharmed. And since these structures were introduced to the park, they have helped reduce vehicle/animal collisions by over 80 percent.
Australia also has a very unique animal bridge. It is smaller compared to the other bridges, but it accommodates 50 million red crabs during their migratory route every year. This bridge is on Christmas Island.
And more animal bridges are opening in America in the near future. In fact, Washington State is currently building one at Interstate 90. So by the fall of 2020, the plants are expected to make their bridge even more appealing for animals to cross.
What do you think of animal bridges? Are they something you would like to see your state invest in? Let us know in the comments section and be sure to share this story with your friends and family.
Source: Jumble Joy