If you were to ask most people about Huskies, they would tell you that they are sled dogs. They were bred for that purpose and they do have all of the energy that is necessary to pull a sled through the frozen wilderness but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they always need to be outside. They have coats that allow them to handle the extremely cold temperatures and they keep insulated and warm, regardless of the temperature. They also do well in a home.
That is a good description of a husky but it is only one of the many things you could use to describe them. They are also beautiful animals with pale blue eyes and sometimes, they may even have eyes of multiple colors. They also tend to be rather vocal and they may howl instead of barking. In fact, this working dog breed is more than a loyal companion, they are a breed that will often talk back to you when you talk to them. They are also one of the top dog breeds in the United States when it comes to popularity.
The majority of dogs do not enjoy taking a bath and some of them don’t even like getting wet. They will do all that they can to keep from getting in the tub but that is not the case with this Siberian Husky named Zeus. He is not like most dogs, he loves taking baths and he does it whenever he is able to do so. If he is told no, he throws a temper tantrum and that’s what you are seeing in this video.
Zeus has been hanging out in the bathtub, hoping that his owner will simply turn on the water and let him enjoy some splash time. Instead, she tells him to get up and get out of the tub and he decides that he isn’t going to take it lying down. He whines, whimpers and moans loudly as he begs his mom to run the water. He has such a dramatic tantrum that the video has gone viral.
When you get right down to it, it’s rather funny the Zeus would rather play in a tub then go out for a walk. He certainly isn’t like most dogs. Most of them will come running as soon as they hear a leash jingle or if they hear the word ‘walk’ coming out of your mouth. Zeus, however, is also known as a ‘Stubborn Husky’ and he even has his own Facebook page.
You can watch his fit in this video: