Joyful Reaction of Bull Experiencing First Taste of Freedom After Being Caged Entire Life, Melts Millions of Hearts

In a viral video from 2014 that’s reached over 30 million people on the YouTube channel, Gut Aiderbichi, we see a very happy bull named “Bandit” experience freedom for the very first time after being released from his small steel pen where he stood for his entire life! Daniel Weary, a professor with the Animal Welfare Program at the University of British Columbia, proved that dairy cows’ brains were actually a lot more sensitive than people thought. In his study, he proved that their brains could be permanently altered after experiencing trauma early in life, not unlike our brains. Weary says that the cows he studied were deeply impacted by physical and emotional pain, such as when they are separated from their mothers at an early age.

In the video, a sanctuary worker pays a visit to the bull in his pen. The sad bull is desperate for affection, even licking the man as he pats him on his head. Understanding Bandit’s predicament, the man knew he couldn’t just leave the poor animal in this condition. So he decided that Bandit was coming with him. Bandit would soon begin celebrating after the man opens his pen and lets the bull off his leash. It’s incredible to see just how much this small act of kindness meant to him as we watch the bull jump up and down while rolling in the hay. This is the best day of Bandit’s life!


Soon, the bull is loaded into a truck and taken to his new home.


Once Bandit steps out of the truck, he instantly knows that he’s finally free and that he’ll never have to suffer the inside of that tiny pen again!


Watching this overjoyed animal rolling around in the hay and buck in pure joy is enough to bring tears to your eyes and bring life back into perspective.


As long as we are alive and free, there is no reason to enjoy life to its fullest.

You can watch Bandit’s powerfully emotional video below.