Cats are amazing creatures and anybody who has one as a part of their family realize is that they become a full-fledged member of the family very quickly. They may not be as sloppy and in-your-face as dogs but then again, we have cats in our family for a very specific reason. We love the fact that they provide us with companionship and at the same time, they are individuals and often will do their own thing. One minute, they may be completely ignoring you and the next minute, they are curled up in your lap and life is good.
One of the most interesting things that we find about cats is the fact that they are often associated with women. It doesn’t matter if you are a single woman who has one cat or if you are a ‘crazy cat lady’ that has a house full of them, the females tend to get that reputation. That is why you might be surprised with the fact that men love cats just as much as women do, it’s just that they tend to do it in the background.
David William is a photographer from New York who is attempting to break the stereotype. He set up a photo shoot, ‘Men & Cats’ and the results are strangely beautiful. The men in these pictures seem to be rather normal so we might not be able to consider them ‘crazy cat men’ but then again, I’m sure that they are crazy about their feline companions.