
New Study Shows That You And Your Dog Are Actually In Love With Each Other

Ask any dog owner and they will tell you that there is a lot of love that flows back and forth between them and their animal. There is no denying that animals are capable of displaying actions that certainly show some compassion on their part, but is it true that they actually love their owners? Perhaps you have argued in favor of that love or maybe even against it, depending upon your particular stand. Maybe it’s time for us to put this to rest and there’s no better way to do so than a scientific study.

First of all, it’s important to understand that the unconditional love that a dog shows is a very powerful reason why we have them in our lives. It’s a bond that forms, and they often become full-fledged members of the family very quickly. There is a new study that was conducted by Japanese universities in two parts, however, that may shed some additional light on the subject. It was published in the Journal of Science and involved observing the interactions of 30 dogs and their owners. Measurements were then taken of the hormone, oxytocin.

Oxytocin is a type of ‘bonding hormone’ that is released during human intimacy. This includes during the act of sex, as well as being released between a mother and a child.

According to the study, the same hormone is also active when you look into your dog’s eyes.

Does it really make a difference in how long a dog looks at you? That is what interested researchers and they found out something that will be interesting to you. It seems that the longer your dog looks into your eyes, the more it is in love

They gave Oxytocin to a group of dogs that was not part of the original study. They then observed how long they would look at their owners.

The results showed something that wasn’t expected. When female dogs were given oxytocin, they would look longer at their owners than a male dog given the same levels of oxytocin.

This confirmed the information from the original study:

“They found that mutual gazing increased oxytocin levels, and sniffing oxytocin increased gazing in dogs, an effect that transferred to their owners.”

The same gazing experiment was then done with wolves:

“Wolves, who rarely engage in eye contact with their human handlers, seem resistant to this effect.”

Now the Internet seems to be interested in boosting oxytocin levels, and according to this study, a great way to do so is to get a dog!

No wonder they use dogs as emotional support pets

You are really missing out if you’re not a dog owner.