Even though she’s barely started, Blossom, the kitten, has already endured a lot in life. However, this cute fur baby hasn’t lost her sweet spirit. Recently, Blossom gave her foster mom, Lauren Boutz, an adorable thank you smile which she couldn’t help but photograph. And once Lauren shared Blossom’s picture on social media, it promptly proceeded to break the internet!
It turns out Blossom’s cute smile was contagious, and over 72,000 people liked her pics while over 217 shared her cuteness on Facebook, thus spreading the love even more.
“I foster kittens for the City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department,” Lauren wrote. The gals in the photos are her Powerpurr Girls: Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup. “They’re about 5 weeks old now.”
Here’s an example of the most common reaction.
Lauren explained more about Blossom’s tragic backstory in a post.
Here’s the photoshoot everyone’s talking about!
#2. The smile!
#5. Recharging
Lauren confirms Blossom’s official internet celebrity status.
Here’s Blossom’s special Halloween shoot.
#13. Too Precious!
Here are a few social media reactions from folks infected by Blossom’s contagious cuteness!
Please be sure to share Blossom’s story with your friends and family.
Source: Bored Panda