Have you ever had a band that you listen to on a regular basis and it seemed as if you knew all of their songs by heart? Perhaps you would even listen to them for years and anytime they came on the radio, you would turn up the volume and sing along. Those were the studio songs that they would perform behind closed walls and release to the public for use on the radio. Every once in awhile they would also show up in your local area to do a concert and perhaps you had the opportunity to see them. Have you ever been disappointed after seeing someone in concert, realizing that they were nothing like what you heard on the radio?
It happens all too often, when the music group is really lacking in talent and they would do better just to stay in the studio and never perform live. That isn’t the case with Bruno Mars, however, and he has really earned his reputation as a superstar on many different levels. Not only does he have a voice that allows him to sing a song with confidence, he also has more energy than most people and it really shows when he is on the stage in front of an audience. He dances, jumps around, sings and has so much fun that you can’t help but get up and dance along. I’m sure that there were a lot of people dancing in Paris when he was performing back in 2012.
In the video at the end of this article, you have the opportunity to see that concert and Bruno Mars performing for a large audience. The song that he was singing was “Locked Out Of Heaven” and he did an absolutely phenomenal job when performing it.
When someone like Bruno Mars is up on stage, he expects absolute perfection from himself fortunately, and from everybody else that is performing with him. The band and other dancers are all too happy to oblige and you end up with a real treat when you watch him perform in the following video.