Try to think back to the time when you were in school. There may be a number of things that tend to stand out in your mind. In many cases, those are things that really had an impact on us, some for the good and others for the bad. That is what tends to make memories stick.
However, there is something you are likely to remember more than anything else: the teachers. They had an influence on us, whether it was for the good or the bad. That is why we may look at some of the teachers in our memory in a favorable way and others we may not consider very favorable at all. If you are the type of person who tends to remember good teachers, this is going to be a post that you will love.
In fact, there are 15 different teachers in this post who are showing that they are not only awesome, they are awesome with style. They are certainly making a difference in the lives of the student and it is likely that you will see some of your favorite teachers through these pictures.
A student who came to the lecture couldn’t afford a babysitter so the professor took care of the child while he continued his lecture
Just a gentle reminder
Who says you need to be conventional?
Can you find the history teacher in this picture?
Another gentle reminder
Physics can be funny
This art teacher inspires with a new chalk drawing every day
There is always a new way to draw a triangle
This teacher promised he would dress like Scooby Doo if everyone got good grades on a test. He kept his word.
He let him sleep and did something awesome
This teacher found a stray kitten outside of the school
Goodbye Pluto
Celebrating Pi Day in style
A physics teacher conducts an experiment
Her students create this through the year and she wears it on the last day
He has it figured out
Via: Bright Side