A Flashback To The Time ‘The Chris Farley Show’ Had An Interview With Paul McCartney

There are many different ways that we could be entertained but perhaps the one that most of us appreciate more than any other is when somebody makes us laugh. There are even times in our lives when we really need a laugh that we can probably experience the truthfulness of the saying that “laughter is the best medicine” firsthand. Of course, not everybody has that ability but when they do, it really is a gift and it is something they can share with others. That is how many people feel about Chris Farley, who was more than a comedian, he was an entertainer.

You might be familiar with Chris Farley because of his movies or perhaps due to his standup comedy acts. Most people were introduced to him, however, when he was on Saturday Night Live. It always seemed as if he had something funny to add to the show and we came to appreciate his ability to make us laugh, regardless of what he was doing. He was an energetic individual that had a unique style that may be imitated, but is rarely ever seen better than what he was able to do. That came through clearly in this video clip of Chris Farley doing “the Chris Farley show on Saturday Night Live. He was interviewing Paul McCartney and it was absolutely hilarious.

If there is something that most of us realize about celebrities, it’s the fact that they are often venerated by their fans. At the same time, they also are fans of other celebrities who have something great to offer. I’m sure that Chris Farley was thrilled with the opportunity to sit with Paul McCartney, even if it was for joke purposes.

In the end, we get to laugh at this old video. We realize that it can never be repeated, now that Chris Farley has died but it still is something that makes us laugh for all the right reasons.