
Dad Gets A Shock When His Wife Reveals Hilarious Truth About His Own Daughter

If there is one thing that any parent will tell you about raising children, it’s the fact that you must always expect the unexpected. It just seems as if you almost have everything figured out and then suddenly, they will throw you for a loop. Sometimes, it can result in a frustrating situation but at other times, it can be quite hilarious. The best thing that you can do in this situation is, regardless of what happens, maintain your sense of humor. We hope that the father in this story was able to maintain his:

A little 3-year-old girl was playing with her miniature tea set. Her father was in the living room and her mother was out shopping.

The little girl came out to the living room and offered her father a cup of tea, which was in fact just water. He thought this was really cute, so she did it several more times.

When the mother came home, the father had the mother stop and watch the little tea ritual, as her daughter brought the father another cup of tea (water) and he drank it.

The mother said, “Very nice. But has it occurred to you that the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet?”