Gordon And Matilda Ramsay Share A Traditional English Breakfast Cook-Off And A Good Laugh With James Corden

If you listen to any nutritional expert, they are going to tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It seems as if people were split over the matter, with some of them agreeing and they would never even consider skipping breakfast, and other people who just feel as if eating first thing in the morning is the worst idea ever. Regardless of which side of the fence you happen to fall on, you are sure to appreciate watching Gordon Ramsey and his daughter, Matilda, having a cook-off with James Corden on the Late Late Show.

You don’t need anyone to tell you that Gordon Ramsay is English, as is James Gordon. Perhaps that is why they chose a traditional English breakfast as the subject matter for the cookoff. You would assume that Gordon and Matilda, the Ramseys, would be a shoe-in for winning this. After all, they both have their own cooking shows but a traditional English breakfast is not always about having a gourmet chef prepare it, it’s about having somebody that is in the trenches and appreciates exactly what that breakfast has to offer. That is why James does just as amazing of a job.

One of the interesting things that you find out early is the fact that James said that he has never made a traditional English breakfast in the morning. He says it was always a matter of a drunken late-night meal, which I think that many people could probably appreciate.

There are actually a number of interesting surprises that take place during this cookoff. In the end, we are left laughing at yet another episode of the Late Late Show. Enjoy the video for yourself below.