
Jack Black Teams Up With Jimmy Fallon For A Shot By Shot Remake Of ‘More Than Words’

When was the last time you had the opportunity to watch late-night television? Some of us tend to be night owls, and we may be up every night wondering why we are staring at the television until the wee hours of the morning. Other people tend to go to bed early and they couldn’t imagine staying up late. Regardless of which category you happen to fall in, there’s something interesting that happens when you do stay up late. You have the opportunity to watch some of the late-night talk shows and when you do, you are entertained beyond words. After all, they have so much to offer.

Although you have many talk shows to choose from when it comes to late-night television, the Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon is always going to be a favorite. He pours so much into every show and his creativity really shines when he is on the stage with any of the celebrities. It isn’t just a matter of asking questions and getting answers, it’s the skits that they do together and the way that they interact that really makes a difference. That can clearly be seen in the video below when Jimmy Fallon welcomes Jack Black to the studio. Rather than just sitting and having an interview, they decided to do something that is nothing short of epic.

Jack Black and Jimmy Fallon did a remake of the “More Than Words” video by Extreme. It wasn’t just the fact that they were singing the song together and they sounded fantastic, they actually did a shot for shot remake of the video in a way that only Jimmy Fallon could.

There are some people who love Jack Black and other people that don’t really care much for him but in either case, you have to agree that the man has talent. It may not be to your particular taste, but the talent he has is what has taken him this far. Watch the video remake and the clip below and you will see just how talented these two individuals are.