
Jimmy Fallon And Justin Timberlake Get Together For The Most Hilarious ‘Evolution Of End Zone Dancing’ Dance

When was the last time you tuned into the Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon? Most people think that they have to be a night owl or perhaps have insomnia in order to enjoy those shows but that isn’t the case. Even an early bird can enjoy Jimmy Fallon because he offers his best stuff on the Internet through video. Sometimes, he will post his new shows and you can catch up with the latest but at other times, you could enjoy watching some of his old stuff because it is just as hilarious today as it was a few years ago. That is easy to see when you watch this video from 2013.

Some of the celebrities that visit the Tonight Show are there on a regular basis. I think that they just get along with Jimmy Fallon and they enjoy each other’s company. One of those celebrities is Justin Timberlake and if you watch any amount of the Tonight Show, you are likely to see him on one or more episodes in rapid succession. They just seem to get along so nicely and that is clear in the video of the Evolution of End Zone Dancing. It shows how celebrations in the end zone have changed over the years and if you happen to be a fan of football, you are going to be laughing out loud watching this crazy video.

We all understand that Justin Timberlake is a very talented singer and he is able to perform for audiences of thousands of people. As it turns out, he also does an excellent job of cutting up, which he does with Jimmy Fallon regularly.

It doesn’t matter if they are pretending to be teenagers at Camp Winnipesaukee or if they are doing an evolution dance, it is a lot of fun to watch. Check it out for yourself in the following video and you will see what I mean.