
Principal Makes Priceless Confession About The New School Year, Leaves Everyone In Hysterics

We have reached the time of year that some people dread and other people look forward to with delight. I’m talking about the end of summer and the day when students go back to school. For parents, it is perhaps the best day of the year. They are about to enjoy some newfound freedom and to have a little bit of time to themselves. For those who work in the school system, however, they may enter that time with some trepidation.

We can understand that teachers would be frustrated over the start of the new year. They love teaching and they love the students but there is a lot of stress involved. Another person in the school system that can experience that stress is the school principal. If you have any doubts in that regard, wait to you see what principal Gerry Brooks from Lexington Kentucky posted online. When they asked him what the most stressful part of this school year is he only has one answer, kindergarten lunch duty.

When you watch the video, you will see how this grade-school principle talks about the new kindergartners and how they are not quite up to the task of eating lunch together. He even describes it as, “trying to get a bunch of kittens to do something.”

Those of us who have young children or who have young children at some time in the past realize how accurate that statement is. Considering the fact that so many of those children are in a new environment at one time, it is just a crazy situation. After they actually sit and eat, however, a new problem emerges.

This YouTube rant continues with Gerry talking about Lunchables. He describes them as a nightmare, although some parents disagree. They may debate that it makes it a lot easier to get the kids off to school and to do so with the lunch that they will actually eat. Gerry would like five minutes for rebuttal, and he does argue his point in the funniest way possible.

If you are ready to hear from this grade school principal, simply press the play button below. I have to warn you, however, what you are about to hear will make you laugh out loud: