Report Compares Effectiveness of Face Shields Vs. Masks Against Coronavirus

Since the deadly COVID-19 pandemic began sweeping the world in early 2020, people everywhere have been donning face masks or other facial coverings. In some cases, people did it even before stores and state and local governments mandated the use of face coverings. For many people, an abundance of caution was not at all a bad thing and took a “better safe than sorry” mentality. Other people haven’t embraced the masks and some people have even gotten themselves into trouble for refusing to comply with the policies of businesses that require masks to be worn in their establishments. But how effective is a mask and is a face shield better?

Whether you go to Starbucks or Walmart, you’re going to have to wear a mask to enter the building these days. The majority of people don’t seem to mind and authorities have gone on the record as saying that the use of facial coverings will slow the spread of the virus. Most people are familiar with a mask. It’s made of either paper or fabric and covers the mouth and nose. The straps go either around the ears or around the back of the head. Face shields, on the other hand, are plastic shields that cover the wearer’s entire face, including the eyes. Early in the days of the virus, it was suggested that it could be transmitted via the eyes as well as the mouth and nose.

Which is more effective, a mask or a shield? A shield certainly looks much more intense than a mask, but it’s actually more freeing on your face. For those who object to the mask for reasons of comfort, they may be more comfortable in a shield. Unlike a mask, the lower part of your face is free so that you can drink or eat. There are also less complaints about being able to fully breathe with face shields. It’s also easier to talk. Another bonus is that your smartphone’s facial recognition software still works with a face shield. However, if you’re making your decision based on how best to keep yourself from catching the coronavirus (or trying to keep other people from catching it from you), then the mask is the way to go.


There’s a lot of open space in the area of the mouth and chin with a shield, but the mask covers all of this up. Because of this, a face mask is more effective at keeping the germs separated from our faces. We probably won’t be able to go bare-faced anytime in the near future, so having the best available information is key to keeping ourselves and others as safe as possible. Watch the video below for more information.