There are many places in the world that we might consider visiting. Perhaps it is a nearby town or city that you have always wanted to check out or it may be someplace in your own country. Ask anyone who travels the world, however, and they will tell you that there are fascinating places that you never even imagined possible. As you are about to see, there are places you didn’t know existed but they can be quite amazing as well.
One of the most interesting places in the world is Japan. Most of us are probably aware of some of the things that they offer to the world, including the beauty of cherry blossoms and the interesting world of anime. What if I were to tell you, however, that they have the most awesome toilets in Japan or perhaps that the drainage canals in the streets were made to look like Koi ponds? These are not only possible, thanks to Japan, they have become a reality.
When you look down through these pictures, you should absorb what they are trying to tell you. Is more than just a unique look at awesome culture, it’s a way of life that many of us could imitate.
1. The Japan bus system went on strike but the drivers continue to drive. They just didn’t pick anyone up.
2. The cans have braille on top
3. Sports fans stayed to clean up the Stadium after the FIFA World Cup in 2014
4. There are baby holders in toilet stalls
5. This is the food they feed you in hospitals
6. Wash your hands and use the same water to flush the next time
7. Manhole covers are beautiful in Japan
8. Children help to clean the school to show their appreciation
9 . Someone accidentally knocked over his bike and left some money to compensate
10. Look how smooth the bullet train is in Japan
11. She lost her bag and someone left it for her at the tree.
12. We could all use a helping hand sometimes
13. Drainage systems look like Koi ponds
14. The toilets have many options, including drowning out the sound of your poop
15. Would people pay attention to those arrows in your country?
16. umbrella lockers so you don’t lose your umbrella and you don’t have to carry it with you
17. Never accidentally walk in on someone in a bathroom stall again