What would you consider to be a long life? That is a question that many of us may have asked ourselves and the age may even change as we get older. When we are in our 20s, it seems as if people in their 60s have lived a long life. By the time we hit our 60s, we start thinking about living into our 80s, 90s or perhaps even surpassing 100. This woman lived to be 92 years of age.
Her name is Wanda B. Goins and she lived in Cave Junction, Oregon. During her 92 years of experience, she became a woman who was very wise. She passed that wisdom along to her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. As of this time, she has eight children, 15 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Unfortunately, Wanda passed away in 2016 but she left behind something that her family will cherish forever. It’s not an inheritance in a physical way, it is her artwork and poetry.
Wanda lived according to her own values and during her years, she was known as an artist and a poet. She also had an interest in the Bible. Her oldest son is an artist, David Lance Goins. In his words, his mother is the only art teacher he ever had.
A few months before she passed away, she gained Internet fame when her caretaker uploaded a video. In the video, she was reciting a poem that she had written. After it was posted to Facebook, it went viral but it also inspired many people with a reminder that all of us could learn from.
The poem is called “The Gift Wrap & The Jewel”. You are certain to love what it says to the heart.
I looked in the mirror
and what did I see,
but a little old lady
peering back at me
with bags and sags and wrinkles
and wispy white hair
and I asked my reflection,
‘How did you get there?’
You once were straight and vigorous
and now you’re stooped and weak,
when I tried so hard to keep you
from becoming an antique
My reflection’s eyes twinkled as she solemnly replied,
‘You’re looking at the gift wrap
and not the jewel inside.’
A living gem and precious
of unimagined worth
unique and true, the real you,
the only you on earth
The years that spoil your gift-wrap
with other things more cruel,
should purify and strengthen
and polish up that jewel
So focus your attention
on the inside, not the out
On being kinder, wiser, more content
and more devout
Then, when your gift-wrap’s stripped away
your jewel will be set free,
to radiate God’s glory
throughout eternity”
You can see this touching video of Wanda reciting her own poem below. Once you see it, you will know exactly why it has gained a high level of Internet popularity: