Most people have a lot of respect for teachers and teachers have been underestimated (and underpaid) for a long time. Decades and centuries ago, a teacher was usually one of the most educated people in the town and in many cases, the only person with an education in a community. I always think of television shows such as “Little House on the Prairie,” where in many communities, the teacher served as more than just the children’s teacher. She or he was often the sane intelligent voice who could be relied upon to come to someone’s aid if they needed something read or written. These days, for some reason, people have come to be disrespectful of teachers. That needs to change. These responses below are perfect things to say if you hear a teacher being disrespected.
Stupid Thing #1: Teachers are just glorified babysitters!
Response: Ok then, you can pay me what you pay your babysitter. At $10/hour times 6 hours, that’s $60/day, times 5 days a week, that’s $300, times 36 weeks, that’s $10,800 per student. Then you multiply that times 30 students. That’s $324,000. There’s a good start.
Stupid Thing #2: Johnny never acts out at home. I wonder what you’re doing wrong in the classroom?
Response: Hmm, that IS strange! Let’s figure out a way to get to the bottom of this. You’re welcome to come observe my class any time you want. When can I drop by your house?
Stupid Thing #3: It can’t be that hard to control a bunch of kids. Just have clear expectations.
Response: Classroom management is really an art, and it’s not that simple. But if you have some special tricks, I’ll bring 30 kids over to your living room tomorrow morning to watch you work your magic!
Stupid Thing #4: You’re way too educated to be teaching first graders. Don’t you have an M.A.?
Response: Teaching is a calling, not just a job. Compared to the challenges (and rewards) of the classroom, graduate school was a cakewalk.
Stupid Thing #5: Hey, don’t I actually pay your salary with my taxes?
Response: Um… Would you like your 13 cents back? We can just make a trade for your child’s ability to read.