
Nervous Man Sings So Perfectly That Even The Judges Got Carried Away

We have seen our fair share of talent in recent years. With all of the talent shows on television, it is difficult to watch for any amount of time without seeing somebody who is doing something incredible. For some of those individuals, it is dancing Dancing with the Stars and for others, it may be putting on a magic act or perhaps even a ventriloquist act. Some of our favorite talents, however, comes in the form of singing and some people are able to sing beautifully.

Stephen Barry is somebody who wanted to do well on a talent show, but he was nervous about getting up in front of an audience. When he started singing for the judges, however, all of the nervousness seemed to melt away and suddenly, he was doing something that he was born to do. As it turns out, he has the perfect voice for singing the song that he chose and as he is standing there with a microphone in his hand, you can tell that something wonderful is about to happen.

Stephen didn’t give into the nervousness he was experiencing. Let’s face it, all of us get nervous if we have to get up in front of an audience. What he did is to channel that nervousness and he performed in a way that was absolutely memorable.

It isn’t just the fact that his voice was beautiful but his courage was inspiring as well. In the end, he gives something to the audience and the judges that only he is able to give. In fact, at one point the judges were grasping hands and swaying back and forth to the music.

Stephen Barry may not be a name that you knew before you read this article, but after you hear him singing in the video below, he is someone that you will not likely forget. When he stood up in front of the judges, he was relatively unknown but now, you can tell that a star is being born.

You can watch his audition and performance in the video below: