Firefighters Begin Dancing To The Music And The Entire Internet Grooves Along

There is something special about music and most of us recognize it. From the time we are very young, it seems as if we are able to be influenced by the music around us. We start moving, dancing and jumping around when we hear it playing from the time that we can stand on our feet. When we get older, it can certainly influence our mood and there is nothing like a peppy song to pick us up out of a low spot in our life. Sometimes, however, you need to take things to the next level and dance like nobody’s watching.

This story has a rather interesting beginning. It starts out with a young girl who was born with cerebral palsy. She is also a young girl that loves music and when she saw Ellen DeGeneres dancing on her television show, she wanted to dance too. There was a problem, however, that needed to be overcome. Finley needed a walker and without it, she couldn’t even stand up.

This little girl was not about to let a debilitating illness get in the way of her dream. Her family and friends then started a challenge, “Dare to Dance.” It went out to local social media networks and her mother, Christina, thought that it would be a good way to raise money so that the little girl could get surgery. It would help her to get her dancing legs.

According to a local television station, the first responders at the Los Angeles Fire Department decided to get involved. These guys are known for running into fires and doing things that most people wouldn’t dare to do but as it turns out, they aren’t afraid to dance as well. They decided to share their moves on the Internet and help raise money for Finley.

You can see a lot of firefighters dancing at the fire hall to the song, I Feel Better When I’m Dancin. Some of them are dancing while doing their chores, such as cleaning the fire truck and one firefighter is even doing a fairly good ‘robot’. Of course, he is fully dressed in his firefighter gear at the time.

At the end of the video, the entire LAFD is dancing on top of the fire truck. You also see Christina and Finley in the video as well. When you look at the little girl’s face, you will see that she is having the time of her life.

The prognosis from the doctors was not positive at first. They said that Finley would likely be unable to walk, even with stem cell treatments and expensive surgery. Even so, she feels better when she is dancing.

Finley went through the first of many major surgeries near the end of 2017. We hope that by the time the end of 2018 rolls around, she is walking and dancing on her own.

You can watch this incredible video below: