
Man Stops To Help Woman In The Rain. Three Years Later, He Freezes When He Realizes The Truth

There is an old saying that many of us are familiar with. It is something that we may even incorporate into our lives and there are going to be times when we think about how realistic the outcome of that statement is. It is, ‘what goes around, comes around’ and when it is working in our favor, it is absolutely amazing. At times, it is something good that seems to come back when we do good for others. At other times, it may be something bad happening to somebody who did something bad to us. It just seems as if it is a balancing act that is built into the universe.

We read about something similar in this story. It involves a man who took some time to help an individual who was a complete stranger to him. His name is Chris Wright and he was on his way back home after attending church with his family. It was pouring down rain outside and he saw a woman walking alongside the road. He continued to drive, not stopping at first and he made it home. There was something about the situation that he just couldn’t shake off, so he turned to his wife and said: “I have to go back. I have to help her.”

According to his wife, Carmen, Chris was not in the habit of picking up a stranger. She wasn’t exactly surprised by his decision, however:

“You know when you have an urge and a desire something to do good? He was raised that way. He’s kind and generous to everyone. He’d never picked up anybody before, but he felt compelled.”

Chris turned around and would eventually find the woman. He wasn’t sure if she would still be there but he eventually found her, and her name was TunDe Hecto. She was walking along the road in the rain because she had run out of gas and was out of money. Chris gave her a ride, filled up the gas can and gave her the cash he had in his wallet. He then said goodbye and went on his way.

In his heart, he knew that he would never see TunDe again, but he was hoping that his little act would help her somehow.

Quite some time had gone by until three years had passed. Chris had forgotten about what he had done on that rainy day and his reality was now his mother who was now diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Chris was left with the need to bring in help and to care for his mother, Judy at home because her health was declining.

There was one of the nurses’ aides that came into the home and Chris and Carmen noticed that she went out of her way to help his mother. She showed a lot of compassion toward Judy, as well as her husband Phil. Carmen had the following to say:

“She cared for her in the most respectful way. She had the utmost respect for human life.”

One day while they were talking to Judy, the aide said about how her life had turned around when a stranger helped her in 2014. She was on her way to becoming a nurse, which was a dream for her. Suddenly, Chris was in amazement with what he was hearing. He knew that the nurse’s aide was the woman that he had helped on that rainy day.

They had quite an emotional reunion:

“The encounter that had blessed them both three years ago, came full-circle. We don’t believe in coincidence. We’re a family of faith.”

The story doesn’t end there. Chris had overheard a conversation that TunDe had with the nursing school about some outstanding tuition. Would he now have the opportunity to help her again?

Help did come, but it also came along with some sadness. TunDe was celebrating her birthday when she learned that Judy had passed away. She left the party to be with the family and even in that hard time, Chris thought about her. In lieu of flowers, he was asking his family and friends to donate to the crowdfunding page they had set up to pay for her outstanding tuition.

TunDe didn’t realize they were doing this until she received a check for over $20,000 that had been raised.

A total of over $34,000 was raised after setting up the account. TunDe can now focus her attention on becoming a nurse instead of wondering how she is going to pay for the schooling.

We are sure that this kindness will come back to Chris again.

You can see it happen in this video: