Girls Go To Dance Class With Their Moms, Put On Epic Dance Off Going Viral

The ability to dance is something that is ingrained into us from the time that we are born. Many of us marvel at the fact that even a baby will be able to move along to the music. It is something that some people are able to take into their adulthood but everybody can dance, even if it is your choice to dance when nobody is watching. Sometimes, people even take it further.

Phil Wright is more than a dancer, he is a choreographer with a unique idea. He wanted to bring the children and adult dance classes together with each other but he wasn’t sure how things would turn out. Many adults appreciated having an hour away from their children during the class, so he put it out there and decided he would wait and see.

Were parents willing to give up their free time for the opportunity to dance with their children? As it turns out, it was a huge hit. Phil was quite surprised that the class was so popular but it continues to gain in popularity in a viral way.

Prior to the time that Phil had set up the classes with parents and children, he was involved in choreography for some rather popular singers. These included Will Smith, Chayanne, Nicki Minaj, and Pitbull. Professional dancers, amateurs and everyone in between taught at facilities, including the Millennium Dance Complex, Debbie Reynolds Dance Studio, IDA Dance Academy and Abby Lee Dance Studio.

Phil was also somebody with a dream. He had a real desire to spread the love of dance and help new students to gain an appreciation for it. It was his goal to start these dance studios in many areas of the world but first, he turned his attention on families in the United States.

This group practiced for weeks to perfect their dance moves to the Earth Wind and Fire song, Let’s Groove. The day finally arrived when they would record their performance. How would it turn out?

When you see the video, it is easy to tell that the adults and children in the class were ready for the challenge. They seem to hit every step perfectly and even added a little bit of flair in the process.

Phil was able to stand back and watch the performance. After spending weeks working with the children and their parents, he was finally seeing everything come together. Thanks to his professional guidance, they pulled off a fun and modern dance routine and made some nice memories at the same time.

You can see this family-friendly dance performed in the video below: