
Teenagers Form A Makeshift Net To Catch Boy Falling From Ski Lift

It doesn’t matter who we are, we probably all have a fear that we need to deal with in life. For some of us, it may be a fear of public speaking or perhaps a fear of spiders. Another fear that is very common is a fear of heights and for an eight-year-old boy who slipped off a ski lift chair, it was that fear that will probably stick with him for the rest of his life. It started when he got on the lift at the Screaming Eagle Chairlift on Grouse Mountain in Vancouver, Canada. Unfortunately, he didn’t get seated properly and he slipped out of the seat. The loud music being played kept the operator from hearing the father crying for help.

Fortunately, the family was not alone. Even though the boy was dangling precariously from the ski lift chair and continued to get further and further off of the ground, there were people who were already coming up with a plan. Below the lift were a group of 13 and 14-year-old boys who saw what was taking place and realized that they had to do something. They took some netting, spread it out underneath the lift and created a makeshift rescue trampoline. They then told the kid to drop his skis to the ground, which was about 6 m away.

Finally, they talked the boy into jumping and dropping the 6 m to the net below. According to Julie Grant, a resort spokesperson, he did not sustain any injuries from the fall. In order to make sure that he was okay, however, they took him to the hospital. Michael Cameron, president of Grouse Mountain met with the young boys and thanked them for what they had done. He also gave them season passes to the resort.

You can see the daring rescue in this video: