We all experience various problems in life and sometimes, our difficulties may fly under the radar and very few people noticed them unless we point them out. This could be a problem for somebody who has allergies and unless they trigger those allergies and make you sick, they are going to be surprised that you suffer from them in the first place. There are also other conditions that are easy to spot but often, they are misunderstood.
Raynaud’s Disease is one of those conditions that often flies under the radar and very few people have even heard of it, let alone understand it. That being said, it can lead an individual to suffer in ways that most people could not even imagine. It’s a rather unusual affliction and when you have it, you will feel numb and cold in your extremities when you’re exposed to any type of cold temperature or stress.
Let’s get something straight, everybody is going to feel cold and numb when they are out in the cold but this is above and beyond what most people experience. If you do suffer from the issue, you will be able to understand these 10 pictures and you may even want to let others see them so that they can understand as well.
10. Even watching somebody out in the cold will make you cold.
How could they even enjoy this?
9. You sometimes look like a zombie
This discoloration is good for freaking out your friends.
8. It sometimes reaches the whole way to the toes
What’s going on here?
7. Your dream is to move to San Diego
Year-round temperatures that are comfortable is a dream come true
6. Your fingers are really weird
A little purple will never hurt anyone, or will it?
5. You love sources of heat
You will do anything you possibly can to keep your hands warm
4. You can’t get enough of gloves
Anything hot on the hands works fine
3. Your fingers and toes are more than strange looking
The pins and needles are maddening
2. Even being in the air conditioning can trigger it
Some people love air-conditioning but you realize the truth
1. A cold beer is enough to drive you over the edge
Would you please pass the koozie?