40 Stupid Comments That Prove Humans Are No Longer Evolving

We would all like to think that people are intelligent but when we actually start having conversations, we realize that quite the opposite is true. It’s a fact that people say the strangest thing sometimes and it’s difficult not to laugh out loud when we hear it for ourselves.

If you’ve ever been in a conversation and you wonder how the other person manages to live from day-to-day, then you will appreciate what we have for you below. It is 20 of the dumbest statements that were ever spoken by human beings, and these very real conversations will make us cringe and perhaps even make us feel a little smarter about our own level of intelligence.

I’m not necessarily saying that people are stupid. That would be wrong. What I am saying, however, is after reading these, we may start to wonder how many times we say things such as this as well.


The insurance company asked if there was a chance that my dad’s amputated leg would grow back.


Waited on a woman who asked me what kind of meat was in our beef taco salad.

Lady: what kind of meat is in your beef taco salad?

Me : Beef

L: what kind of beef?

Me: Beef, ground beef seasoned with taco seasoning.

L: No, I mean is it pork or chicken?

Me: Ma’am, it’s beef, it’s from a cow. It’s beef.


I’m a postpartum nurse. A patient asked me “when will the doctor be here to pierce my nipples so I can breastfeed?”


Because I am a dwarf I get a lot of hilarious ones, but one of my favourites was “do you need to get a smaller engine for your car?”

I really wish I could have seen your internal process that led to that question, lady.


People visiting Alaska on a cruise would walk onto the dock– a dock portruding into the pacific ocean– then look up at the mountains and ask what elevation we were at.

1 foot, ma’am. You are standing on a dock which is at sea level.


I was asked how far the luggage plane usually flies behind the passenger plane. The person who asked me went to an Ivy league medical school.


While working as a butcher, I showed a deli clerk how to break down a whole chicken into pieces. I show her, “two breasts, two wings, two legs, two thighs.” she looks at me and asks, “which part does the turkey come from?”


“Do we have the ability to open digital files?”

This is the guy who would print PDFs from our server then scan the print to his email so he could save them to his desktop


In high school, we were warming up before a baseball game one evening and some really ominous ,dark clouds started rolling in. One of my teammates very seriously asked “Is that a storm or is that just night coming?”. I will never forget that.


Was a Mac Genius for 7 years, customer asked if her iPod would get heavier as she puts more music on it.


What day of the week is good Friday on?

Do you mean what date?

No, what day of the week. It was on a Thursday last year.



I work in a toll booth and was working on the westbound side. A lady drove up to my booth really mad, which is par for the course but I digress. She told me that every day she takes this route home from work, and every. single. day. the sun is directly in her eyes… Well of course, shes driving westbound at 6 pm. When I mentioned this she brushed it off and asked “well can’t you change the direction of the road or at least put a cover over it?! I can’t be the only person who is bothered by this!”


My grandpa left my place, immediately called me to ask if he left his cell phone at my place.

“How are you talking to me?”



A girlfriend of a friend of mine asked. “ I wonder what it was like before color”. This chick thought the WORLD WAS BLACK AND WHITE not film.


My current boss asked me to “make the pages smaller” so she can see all of them” she had excel zoomed in to 200% and thought I was just sending things in font 46. This person has been in her position for 12 years. Ugh.


A woman asked me if gorilla glue was made from real gorillas. I laughed at first, but she was serious. She told me she was vegan and wouldn’t use the product if it was made with real gorillas.


How did we know that they were called dinosaurs?


Literally had a guy ask me yesterday “if I hit the cash back button, does the money come out of my account?”

Dude was like 30 and he thought cash back was just…free money I guess?


I have a buzz cut. A guy at work recently asked, dead seriously “Do you cut your hair? Or does it only grow that long?”


In 8th grade science class, the girl sitting next to me asked – “How do we get into outer space if we have to break through the Earth’s crust?”

She thought we lived in the mantle.