If you hang around any conversation for any length of time, you will find out that it eventually turns to the subject of food. We all love it and we not only eat every day, we sometimes discuss the food that we eat far too often than we realize.
Most of us understand the need to eat a healthy diet. We’ve been told that we should eat that way for the majority of our lives. Unfortunately, we often fall short of the mark but Dr. Oz is here to help us by naming several ingredients that we should avoid if at all possible.
1. Sugar
It doesn’t matter whether you call it corn syrup, fructose, or syrup, the refined form of this product is in everything we eat. We also tend to put it on our food and we seek out food that contains it. Unfortunately, sugar is responsible for a lot of the calories in our diet and it affects our organs very negatively. There is nothing wrong with eating a sweet every now and then but we should try to limit it.
2. High Fructose Corn Syrup
We hear a lot about this particular type of syrup and when we read it on the label, we realize that we are not eating something that is good for us. The problem is, it is often hiding behind other words and there are so many on the list that it is difficult to describe. Regardless of what we eat, it is probably in it. When you eat it, it keeps you from feeling full so you eat more.
3. Enriched Flour
Most of us tend to use enriched flour in our baking and we eat it in many different types of food. It comes in processed foods, pasta, cereal, and many baked goods. White flour has most of its nutrients removed and it is enriched with vitamins and other additives as a result. Dr. Oz says that you should avoid it and use whole-grain fibers if possible.
4. Saturated Animal Fats
If you would like to do your part to avoid a heart attack and high cholesterol, then you should avoid these saturated fats. It comes in everything from butter and lard to milk fat and cheese. Dr. Oz says it is better if you switch to something that is vegetable-based, such as sesame or olive oil.
5. Hydrogenated Oils
This type of oil, which is typically called trans fat, is included in many foods so it last longer on the shelf. Considering the fact that you are eating fat that has been around that long on the shelf, you really need to rethink having this particular ingredient in your diet.
You can see more in this video:
Source: YouTube