A Man Gets Bit By A Deadly Snake So He Bites Him Back

I think that all of us know someone that isn’t afraid of anything. Perhaps we know that person, or we might think about a celebrity that falls into that category. One person that may come to mind is the Crocodile Hunter, and he certainly showed no fear when it came to dealing with animals. There is someone else that may also come to mind after you read this story. His name is Kishore Badra, and he lives in Eastern India. He showed no fear when he was bitten by a snake and as a result, his story has gone viral online

It all started when Kishore Badra was walking in a paddy field and a snake was hiding in the vegetation. Suddenly, he felt something stinging on his leg and when he looked down, he saw he was bitten by a snake. As it turns out, the snake that bit him was no normal snake, it was a krait, which is a poisonous viper. In fact, some 58 thousand people die from snake bites every year in that part of the world. When Kishore saw what happened, he decided to do what he could and he picked up the snake and bit it repeatedly.

Not all of us would pick up a snake that just bit us and bite it back. As it turns out, he was able to get revenge on the snake and it died. When he got back to the village, he told them what happened and has become somewhat of a local hero.

Kishore also decided that he would not accept any medicine for the snake bite but he did use traditional healers. It seems to have worked because he is doing fine.