Christina Aguilera & Ricky Martin Get The Audience On Their Feet With A Performance Of ‘Nobody Wants To Be Lonely’

When it comes to talented musicians, I’m sure that all of us have followed the musical career of at least one person or group that we couldn’t help but enjoy. The music that they play is more than something we listen to on the radio, it is truly an experience that is there for us to enjoy. One of the musicians that we may have come to appreciate over the years is Christina Aguilera. You don’t have to be a huge fan of hers to recognize the fact that she is one talented lady. In fact, she has won more awards than most other musicians and she continues to entertain people years after she got her start. In fact, it’s almost as if she continues to get better, each time we hear her.

Another singer that is quite impressive in his own way is Ricky Martin. Both Ricky Martin and Christina Aguilera have something in common, they are extremely talented individuals. They have enjoyed wildly popular solo careers, but when you put them on the stage with each other, something rather interesting happens. Suddenly, they transform from awesome musicians to an absolutely incredible pair. When you see them singing and hear the performance in the video below, you can’t help but be impressed with all that they have to offer. It truly is amazing and it is sure to leave you wanting more. Everyone who was in the audience the evening that this performance took place was treated to something that they are going to remember for a lifetime.

I think that all of us would agree that the combination of these two performers singing together was even better than listening to them as individuals. It’s a classic example of the combination being greater than the sum of their parts.

We may not have the opportunity to see these two perform but it doesn’t matter, we still have the chance to see it, thanks to this unique Internet video. It’s not exactly as if we were there, but it is enjoyable to watch it and the looks on the faces of those who were in the audience. See it for yourself below.