If there is one thing we know about Christmas, it’s the fact that it is full of tradition. It seems as if many of the things we do on Christmas or around that time of year are the same things we have done every year for decades. At times, they may be things that are passed down from one generation to the next but there are also some traditions that we come up with on the fly and will eventually pass them along to our children and grandchildren. They become part of our family legacy.
One of the traditions that we might take part in every year is driving around town to see the Christmas lights. It is a night that we might look forward to with a smile on our face for a very long time. Sometimes, we might even know about some homes that really take things to the next level by pairing the light display with a Christmas song. That is what happened when one family put up some amazing lights and then had the entire thing timed to a favorite song of the season for many, ‘Mary Did You Know’. People drive for miles to see the lights and to hear the lyrics, which go like this:
“Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you’ve delivered, will soon deliver you”
Artists from different areas and genres have covered the song over the years. This particular performance really shines because it is by one of the better-known artists.
I’m not sure how they got the music to sync with the lights so well but it is like taking part in two Christmas traditions at once, music and lights. Maybe we might just have to check this one out in person this year.
Source: Godtube