One of the jobs that nobody really wants to do is being a telemarketer. There are some people who are good at it and others do it out of need but for the most part, you don’t end up being the most popular person to call somebody that day.
More than likely, you have lost your temper with a telemarketer at some time in the past. Even if you tend to be a friendly and patient individual, they quickly put you at your wit’s end. Perhaps that is why we appreciate this man and his unique ability so much.
The man’s name is Donald Sizemore and when a telemarketer calls, you really hear the Donald come out. For the past 70 years, he has been an expert at mimicking Donald Duck’s voice and he uses it in the funniest way during telemarketer calls.
Imagine somebody picks up the line and when you ask if Donald is there, you suddenly hear Donald Duck talking to you. At first, you probably wouldn’t know what was going on but it wouldn’t take long to realize that you were being punked.
This video is absolutely brilliant and you will believe the ability that he has to sound just like Donald Duck. Eventually, a video was made and it was uploaded. It went viral almost instantly.
Donald Duck is one of those characters that most of us can imitate to some extent or another. When you are able to do it as well as Donald Sizemore, however, you really have something to brag about.
Source: YouTube