Hyena Pack Kills An Elderly Man After Dragging Him From His Hut

When most of us think about wild animals that are dangerous, we might think about a roaring lion or perhaps a grizzly bear. As it turns out, however, that is really only scratching the surface when it comes to dangerous wildlife. That fact was seen in a rather tragic way when a pack of wild hyenas grabbed an elderly man from his bed, pulled him to the floor and then mauled him to death in Africa. It happened in the region of Chirumanzu in central Zimbabwe, and 87-year-old Tendai Maseka is dead as a result.

According to the report, the animals dragged him about 1000 feet and attacked him along the way. When the man was discovered, the authority said that the lower half of his body was already missing. A spokesperson for the Zimbabwe Parks & wildlife management authority, Tinashe Farawo said: “Drag marks and hyena tracks were visible.” It seems as if this same pack of hyenas has also been responsible for attacking goats and cattle throughout the area. It was a tragic event and one that could have been avoided.

The Parks and Wildlife Authority sent trackers out to hunt for the animals. Animal attacks such as this are not all that uncommon, especially around this time of the year. The animals tend to move into populated areas to look for food and water because the climate is dry.


It seems as if this was the 60th humans to lose their life to wildlife conflict this year. We don’t often think about the dangers that these individuals are going through, but they go through them all too often.