Judge Awards Kelly Clarkson $10 Million Montana Ranch Where Ex-Husband Still Lives

Singer and talk-show host Kelly Clarkson won a huge victory during her nasty divorce battle from Brandon Blackstock. Blackstock, who’s the father of two of Clarkson’s children, made news earlier for his list of expensive demands during the divorce proceedings.

Despite her ex-husband’s protests, the judge awarded Clarkson sole ownership over the Montana ranch, the two previously shared. The ranch is estimated to be worth $10.4 million. This was quite a blow to Blackstock, who is very attached to the property.

Blackstock is also currently living on the ranch, but he’ll soon have to vacate the property and find other living arrangements. Initially, he attempted to argue that the ranch is “marital property,” but the judge struck down that argument, ruling in Clarkson’s favor since she is the one who purchased it.

People Magazine reports that Blackstock has also attempted to contest their prenup, which makes it appear as though he’s attempting to squeeze his celebrity ex-wife for every penny he can. Meanwhile, Clarkson is staying busy juggling several projects to keep her and her children as financially secure as possible. As for Blackstock, he works as an amateur pilot and music manager, while Clarkson is a judge on The Voice, has her music career, and her TV talk show.

During the hearing, it seemed that Blackstone had no qualms about tarnishing the reputation of the mother of his two children to get what he wanted. However, on this matter, the court ruled in Clarkson’s favor.

At this time, Clarkson is paying her ex $200,000 per month in spousal and child support.

However, records show that he originally asked for more than double this amount, even though he does not have sole custody of their children. The former couple was declared legally single in June, and since then, Clarkson says she’s more than ready to move on and put this chapter of her life behind her. She told the judge how they “both deserve the opportunity to build a new life.”

Clarkson has primary custody of their two children, Remington Alexander, 5, and River Rose, 7. The couple had been together for seven years, and it seems like the singer is bearing a hefty financial obligation, but she believes it’s the price she has to pay to be in a healthier mental space in her life.

As for the ranch, it’s meant a lot to the singer, who once spoke about how much she and her husband loved the property.

People report that Kelly has since thrived following the breakup.

Another insider claims that the singer is trying to keep things in balance.

Right now, the future of the property is unknown.

While Clarkson loves the property, she also mentioned how she and her ex-husband planned to retire there one day.

This leads some to speculate that she may sell it and look to build something new.

You can also learn more about this ongoing saga in the video below.

And here is a video featuring Kelly Clarkson giving a personal tour of her beautiful ranch.

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