
Mom Shares Story Online After Her Daughter Is Bullied And Ends Up In The Hospital

One of the problems that seem to follow many people around throughout their life is bullying. Although we may consider it to be something that only takes place in the schoolyard, far too many people also experience the problem once they are adults. It often gets its start when we are quite young, however, and it can be a very difficult situation to manage. That was the case for a young girl named Sophie, and her 29-year-old mother, Carrie Golledge had enough of what she was seeing and decided to post her experience of what happened with her daughter on Facebook.

Sophie was the victim of extreme bullying. Although she is only six years old, she had to be hospitalized because of the anxiety that she was facing on a day by day basis. Golledge wanted to show exactly how difficult such a problem can be and the effect that bullying can have on someone, even when they are in their tender years. She posted a picture of her daughter sleeping on Facebook and talked about the treatment that she had received from teachers and from her peers. It wasn’t long before the photo went viral and many parents were terrified with the idea that a child could be so anxious over bullying that she would be sick ‘over 20 times in an hour’.

In her post, Golledge wrote:

“This is what bullying does…
This is my 6 year old daughter, hospitalised, due to bullying…
This is my child with such a caring heart that despite being so ill “doesn’t want anyone to get in trouble”…
This is my child who has stopped eating, has cried herself to sleep, had anxiety so severe she’s up sick over 20 times in an hour through the night…
This is my child whose ‘best friend’ has emotionally abused her for so long she thought it was normal…
This is my child who has been in and out of hospital for countless trips due to being so sick with anxiety…
This is my child who was told off for ‘telling tales at school’…
This is my child who has been mocked on social media by the bullies parents for just having such a pure heart…
This is my child who when addressing the issues with her school we were told “Its just 6 year olds being 6 year olds”…
This is my child who was told by the school she should be the one feeling ashamed and be snuck in a side door of a morning…
This is my child who her school failed her so badly that we had to move her schools…”

She concluded her post with an emotional shout out to all parents:

“This is my child who is one of too many that are going through this…
This is my child whose story is being twisted and manipulated by the very people that were meant to protect her at her school when she was in their care…
This is my child who doesn’t want this to happen to anyone else. So this is my child’s story we are sharing but she is one of many….too many!
Please help us share her story. Lets show her the support her school couldn’t afford her.
#beatthebullies #timeforchange”

Many people were offering their support on Facebook.

No child should have to face this

People everywhere were sharing the story

Together, we can put an end to bullying